I have given away over 1000 masks. The last ones have all gone to charities and similar organisations - Sharewear, Nottingham & Notts Refugee Forum, Phoenix School foodbank, St Ann's foodbank, Host Nottingham . . .
I have decided to stop making them for individuals (unless you have a special request - e.g. hard to find size, special fabric; just ask) and concentrate on sewing for charities. My current batch is destined for Nad Grill.
If you're a local (Notts) charity or good cause that would like some free cotton face masks, please do contact me.
For people who ask for suggestions of charities to donate to:
There are so many, I would like you to choose and donate so that I can spend time sewing, wire bending and elastic-threading.
But here are a few suggestons:
Himmah https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/3767#!/DonationDetails
Nottingham & Notts Refugee Forum https://nottsrefugeeforum.charitycheckout.co.uk/Donate#!/
Mesopotamia Charity https://www.mesopotamia.org.uk/
Covid Symptom Study https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/…/displayCharityCampaignPa…
St Ann's Food Bank https://www.justgiving.com/xhqadyxshc/donate/…
Emmanuel House https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/…/displayCharityCampaignPa…
We R Here https://werhere.org.uk/
This page is new. I haven't had a chance to test all the links yet. If a link doesn't work, please just google the charity name.
Or choose another. Or don't make a donation. Masks I give out are gifts, and you are under no obligation to give anyone anything. If you do make a charitable donation in exchange for your mask(s), it would be nice if you could mention why.
Thank you.